Potato Crust Quiche

Veggie season is here and this quiche recipe is a great way to use Lolans Farm produce along with our fresh eggs. For breakfast, lunch or dinner this recipe is a winner!

Potato Crust

4 potatoes - grate, sprinklg e with salt, put in cheese cloth and squeeze out moisture


dash of saracha- optional

olive oil

Mix squeezed out potatoes with seasonings

Turn on oven to 400 degrees

On the stovetop, heat an oven proof 10“cast iron skillet (med. heat).

Add generous amount olive oil, swirl up sides. Add potatoes and spread

them out, pushing some up the sides of pan. Cook on medium heat 10

min. +/-, turning pan often and press down on potatoes, forming a

crust. Bake in oven for 15 min.+/-, until potatoes start to brown. Allow

to cool slightly before adding quiche filling.

Reduce oven to 320 degrees

Broccoli Filling

3 cups broccoli chopped- or any vegetable of your choice

1⁄4 cup diced shallots or onions

3 cups grated Jarlsberg cheese

1⁄4 cup feta

4-5 eggs

2 cups half and half


Salt & pepper

Mix eggs, 1⁄2 & 1⁄2, nutmeg, salt & pepper (don’t need salt if using feta)

In a skillet, sauté onions, cool slightly.

Par boil broccoli and drain

Spread broccoli and onions in crust, sprinkle with cheese and pour over the egg mixture.

Make indentations with a spoon to allow egg mix to settle.

Bake at 320° for 50-60 min., until set

Thank you Peggy for this versatile recipe!


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