It’s Cranberry Season
Driving around on these beautiful fall days you are bound to pass by one of the many local cranberry bogs that are loaded with gorgeous red berries. At Lolans Farm we are currently selling cranberries harvested from a local grower in Middleboro. Did you know that aside from their delicious versatility, cranberries are full of antioxidants? This is an added benefit to these tiny but mighty native fruits.
As the holidays approach you may want to start thinking about how you are going to use cranberries this year. Baking, cooking, or even juicing….Cranberries can be the star of the show!
Here are two of my favorite, easy to make, recipes.
Cranberry Goodin Puddin
1 Cup Cranberries, halved 1/4 Cup Sugar 1/4 Cup Chopped Walnuts 1 Egg 1/2 Cup Sugar 1/2 Cup Flour 1/4 Cup Melted Butter 2T. Melted Shortening
Grease a 9 inch pie plate. Spread berries over the bottom of the plate. Sprinkle with sugar and chopped nuts. In a large bowl, beat egg; add sugar gradually. Add flour, melted butter and shortening to egg and sugar mixture. Beat. Pour over cranberries. Bake at 350 for about 45 minutes. Serve hot or cold with ice cream or whipped cream.
Cranberry Sauce
2 Cups water
2 Cups sugar
4 Cups cranberries
Mix water and sugar in a Dutch Oven. Heat to boiling; boil 5 minutes.
Stir in 4 cups of cranberries. Heat to boiling; boil rapidly 5 minutes longer.
Cool; Cover and refrigerate at least 8 hours.